ico 3

ico 3

ico 3

Sally and Tom have encouraged me to post these picts. I have a cold and my new relationship to the TP got Ico a bit wound up.

- joester 3-29-2004 2:00 am

it looks like "Ico" is enjoying a feline perennial favorite, "toilet paper roll party," similar to "paper towel party." both easier for cats than "kleenex party."
- anonymous (guest) 3-29-2004 6:29 am [add a comment]

a tip. to keep tp happy cats from unrolling a whole roll onto the bathroom floor. put the roll on backwards and it will just spin without unreeling.
- bill 3-30-2004 2:27 am [add a comment]

  • but that's so frustrating to them! You have to be willing to give up a roll or two to keep your cat happy---Many a time I have returned home to see my chubby willful cat Mouse stretched out, luxuriating amid a pile of unrolled toilet paper, purring defiantly.

    Party on, Ico!
    - bunny 3-30-2004 6:39 pm [add a comment]

that Ico has more personality than most people. Don't these pictures remind y'all of Pickles' X-mas kill?
- sally mckay 3-30-2004 2:34 am [add a comment]

that Ico has more personality than most people. Don't these pictures remind y'all of Pickles' X-mas kill?
- sally mckay 3-30-2004 2:34 am [add a comment]

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