i went to connecticut this weekend with skinny and the boy, and while we were out on the lake sunday we saw a pair of bald eagles. first time i've ever seen one - really amazing. one was so close, about 50 feet up in a tree eating a fish. beatiful birds. sorry alex, no photos.
- linda 9-01-2004 6:43 pm

Without photos I don't know how we can be expected to believe you. Are you sure they weren't the more common bald sparrow, or perhaps the hairless cormorant?
- jimlouis 9-01-2004 11:58 pm [add a comment]

There were a couple of Bald Eagles seen from the Park in August, and more should come, but we don’t get to see them that close. They’re virtually always passing high overhead. A good way to spot one is to wait at the Reservoir until every gull on the water takes flight at once. This is usually the result of an eagle going over, though you may still have a hard time finding it. Birds are better birdwatchers than people are.
- alex 9-02-2004 12:16 am [add a comment]

Bird(er)s Against Bush
- alex 9-02-2004 5:40 am [add a comment]

[deleted by: jim]
- home (guest) 10-02-2004 6:41 pm [add a comment]

  • I don't understand this?
    - sarah 10-02-2004 7:53 pm [add a comment]

  • It's called comment spam. I'm surprised we don't see more of it. I know at least one blogger who turned off his comments because of it.
    - tom moody 10-02-2004 8:12 pm [add a comment]

    • there are a few ways to counter-attack this ...

      - turn off all comments
      - turn off comments for people without accounts
      - put a set of radio buttons on the same HTML form with the comment box, with the default button being "I am a comment spam bot, do not post this comment"
      - require the poster to type a randomly generated word which is displayed in a gif file, with some distortion thrown in to screw up OCR.

      The trade offs are how open do you want to be, and how high do you want the barrier against bots that abuse that openness.

      I'll volunteer my feeble PHP skills if that would be helpful.
      - mark 10-03-2004 1:49 am [add a comment]

  • ok sarah quick fooling around.
    - bill 12-06-2005 5:56 pm [add a comment]

  • LOL
    - steve 12-06-2005 6:10 pm [add a comment]

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