I don't remember Dave's pickup truck sounding exactly like this, but for some reason the video made me remember riding along on many an Atwells Ave to The Coffee Exchange run. (34 MB Quicktime movie)
- jim 12-11-2005 7:41 am

I guess this is the story:

On an August morning in 1978, French filmmaker Claude Lelouch mounted a gyro-stabilized camera to the bumper of a Ferrari 275 GTB and had a friend, a professional Formula 1 racer, drive at breakneck speed through the heart of Paris.

The film was limited for technical reasons to 10 minutes; the course was from Porte Dauphine, through the Louvre, to the Basilica of Sacre Coeur. No streets were closed, for Lelouch was unable to obtain a permit.

- jim 4-23-2006 10:15 pm [add a comment]

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