Any advice on things to do, places to eat in Puerto Rico? We're staying east of San Juan, near El Yunque National Park, but I want to get into San Juan.
- mark 3-31-2006 8:59 am

sure, we were just there this past month. we stayed in ceiba near el yunque and also went down to ponce for a night.

we found a few very yummy food spots as well as some not very good ones. let me check names and i'll post this weekend with details.

where specifically are you staying? i was pretty surprised to see so many kfc, dunkin donuts, bk and taco bells. they are everywhere, in every town, pretty much, though less so in the south towards ponce.

- linda 3-31-2006 6:37 pm [add a comment]

We're staying at El Conquistador. It's a huge self-contained resort, with their own island playground. I just paid $13 for a ham sandwich, advertised as a cubano, but not nearly as good as what I got in Jersey City. So I'm eager to find food alternatives, esp. local flavor.

D is here for a boondongle seminar sponsored by a the vet division of a pharma company.
- mark 4-01-2006 8:54 pm [add a comment]

see mike's post in sustenance for food recommendations. the best thing was the octopus sandwich at the fish market. some of the "best" places according to guide books were less than stellar. stick to a good place if you find one or check out the side of the road snacks.
- linda 4-03-2006 2:46 am [add a comment]

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