something weird going on with the crooksandliars home page.
- steve 5-18-2006 6:16 pm

Yeah, I just saw that. I'm guessing that is the hosting company they use. Either they are moving servers, or something got screwed up with their DNS entries (not that hard to have happen!) and so when your browser tries to resolve their URL you find the right IP (which is, I'm guessing, the ZiaSpace server) but then that server doesn't understand it correctly and just serves the servers home page instead of the crooksandliars virtual host home page.

I'm surprised they would be on a shared server though. They must go through insane amounts of bandwidth.
- jim 5-18-2006 6:54 pm [add a comment]

server malfunction
- steve 5-19-2006 12:51 pm [add a comment]

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