ive seen two middle aged women carrying umbrellas (to keep the sun off) so far today. anyone else been outside?

- bill 7-17-2006 7:30 pm

VB is working today at his reno/construction job. Hopefully they aren't doing anything with insulation, cause fibreglass on your skin at 35˚C is not nice at all. I'm about to venture out. Middle-aged woman that I am, I think I'm gonna be taking my umbrella.
- sally mckay 7-17-2006 8:58 pm [add a comment]

Expected high in Rappahannock, 102, but I ain't buying it. It is warm though. Warm enough to keep the Latino's from coming to work. I've about had it with their 13 hour workdays anyway. I can't float around in the pool with them lingering around, planting, planting, planting, always planting. I'm sick of it. Must be five thousand new plants out here and a hundred new trees, what? No, I'm not exaggerating. What? Watering? Hell no I'm not watering all those plants, what? Oh yeah, well caretaker this...
- jimlouis 7-17-2006 9:06 pm [add a comment]

you better water them plants CT.

- bill 7-17-2006 9:11 pm [add a comment]

Too many umbrellas in lower LES / Chinatown to count. Must be a cultural thing.

I am outraged that it is only 91! Feels much hotter, but it's not so satisfying to complain when it's under 100. I don't go for that heat index bullshit though.
- jim 7-17-2006 9:27 pm [add a comment]

yes, yes, yes, yes! may have to do with a lack of cloud cover and lack of shade.
- bill 7-17-2006 9:36 pm [add a comment]

The Latinos finally showed up, everybody get back to work.
- jimlouis 7-17-2006 10:24 pm [add a comment]

i was just doing some shaded work out back. rolling with a paint roller (not sprayer) on an extension pole, 50/50 clorox / h20 onto the shingled bump-outs on my building and the wooden steps that leed from them. needs a second coat to get all the green stuff off.
- bill 7-17-2006 10:30 pm [add a comment]

I use a truck brush on ext pole with that solution. Its about 9 inches wide, blue bristles about 3 inches long, medium soft/stiff, and a little bit of powdered laundry detergent added to solution.
- jimlouis 7-17-2006 11:49 pm [add a comment]

i had to lug a huge big heavy pile of books back to the library, a bigger, heavier pile home from the library, brought one very cumbersome box to the post office (returning an ill-fitting organic cotton sheet to denman island, canada, of all places), and dragged 2 quarts of paint home today all by foot, and all in one trip, since my car broke down and wouldn't start this morning. as soon as i came home i tried to start the car again before calling AAA, and noticed i'm just out of gas.

once i can pull myself together and get some paint on my walls to sample the colors, i'm going to venture back out, this time to sit on a roof deck overlooking the brooklyn waterfront and drink margaritas.
- linda 7-18-2006 12:36 am [add a comment]

margaaaaaaaaaritas.......chlahgulaharhgagh (sound of heavy drooling in body too dehydrated to produce drool).......that's a damn good idea.
- sally mckay 7-18-2006 1:09 am [add a comment]

limes are in season. buy in volume.
- bill 7-18-2006 2:11 am [add a comment]

yes, margaritas ward off scurvy
- steve 7-18-2006 4:40 am [add a comment]

In the end I opted for beer. At the beer store (we have to go to a special a 'beer store' here in Canada, but the upside is lots of AC) there was a really huge, Mexican sized, dead beetle-like thing on the floor in front of the cash register. It fit right in with this season's growing global warming paranoia about insect population increase in my region. We had a wet warm winter. Now there are lots of slugs in the garden, lots of centipedes in the basement, and tons and tons of aggro robins chowing down on plentiful worms, I speculate.
- sally mckay 7-18-2006 8:13 am [add a comment]

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