RIP, crocodile hunter.
- tom moody 9-04-2006 10:45 am

stingrays were tired of being unfeared. i cant wait for the harrowing ads for "stringray week" on the discovery channel. but, what, wheres the love for bruno kirby?
- dave 9-04-2006 4:52 pm [add a comment]

I had to look him up, if that answers your question. "Oh, yeah, that guy." Well, RIP him, too. It must be said a stingray stab to the heart is not how I expected Earle to go.
- tom moody 9-04-2006 5:33 pm [add a comment]

I'll always remembering him taunting a snakes that spit venom into his eyes ... and he didn't have anything with him to wash his eyes. I'm assuming he was fucking with the stingray.
- mark 9-05-2006 2:09 am [add a comment]

- tom moody 9-05-2006 2:42 am [add a comment]

Touching Steve Irwin MySpace eulogy. I miss Steve.
- tom moody 9-07-2006 7:55 am [add a comment]

All I can say is I'd be pretty pissed off if I were trying to follow the thread, what color skittle is my love life?, and came across some crocodile hunter's eulogy.
- jimlouis 9-07-2006 3:07 pm [add a comment]

Kelli gets my vote for best internet rant ever.
- sally mckay 9-09-2006 8:28 pm [add a comment]

I think you're really demeoning Steve by calling that a rant. It was a loving tribute. You're all so callous.
- 4shame (guest) 9-09-2006 9:21 pm [add a comment]

a loving enabler

- bill 9-09-2006 9:25 pm [add a comment]

I can no longer use one of my favorite lines: "Now watch while I do something very stupid with and extremely dangerous animal."
- mark 9-09-2006 11:29 pm [add a comment]

this is not a war against stingrays -- a species of peace -- but rather those who would tarnish that noble species' name through terror
- mark 9-13-2006 2:05 am [add a comment]

As Dave predicted... (from People magazine)

Stingray Dangers

- tom moody 9-13-2006 2:38 am [add a comment]

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