- b. 7-14-2008 6:43 pm

having trouble summoning up any outrage over this. i suppose context is everything.
- dave 7-14-2008 7:19 pm [add a comment]

I know, like calm down everyone, it's the New Yorker.
- L.M. 7-14-2008 7:51 pm [add a comment]

Pierre Tristam doesn't like it.
- L.M. 7-14-2008 7:56 pm [add a comment]

I'm sure the withering satire really stings Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, et al.
- mark 7-14-2008 8:22 pm [add a comment]

i dont get it at all, and i deff dont like it
- Skinny 7-14-2008 8:25 pm [add a comment]

free irony
- dave 7-14-2008 8:26 pm [add a comment]

Thanks for that link Dave:

"as a rule, Americans are united in a belief that other Americans are dumber than they themselves are."

Actually, that's universal, not just American.
- L.M. 7-14-2008 8:37 pm [add a comment]

"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." - George Carlin

- dave 7-14-2008 8:41 pm [add a comment]

Powder Blue Satan weighs in.

- mark 7-14-2008 9:34 pm [add a comment]

this is funny

Gawker "This obvious and heavy-handed satire has enraged Democrats and liberal media critics because now they are pretty sure this nation of child-like imbeciles will believe it to be an un-retouched photograph from the FUTURE. ...
- Skinny 7-14-2008 9:54 pm [add a comment]

Tom Tomorrow says the cover is not unlike something he would have done.

I beg to differ. First, Mr. Tomorrow would have made it funny, and second, he would have referenced the propagandists pushing these images and/or the morons who believe this.

- mark 7-14-2008 11:00 pm [add a comment]

Digby sez:

My feeling is that it isn't particularly creative satire and doesn't really ring true or make anyone think, which is the hallmark of great satire. It's especially disappointing since the New Yorker has the best cartoons in the world and could have done something so much better.

Digby also opines that "I can't vote for a Muslim" is code for "I can't vote for a n*****."

- mark 7-15-2008 1:21 am [add a comment]

All kidding and seriousness aside, I agree there is something not quite right about the cover. It seems to be more look at me I'm the New Yorker than anything else. Would be funny in some context but somehow isn't working here. Consistently way better than average writing in the magazine and the inside cartoons are time capsule material, so my overall feeling is--I don't really give a damn about this cover, except that it's always nice to chat with friends about something, other than the weather, which by the way was very nice today.
- jimlouis 7-15-2008 1:59 am [add a comment]

Must agree that it’s just not funny enough. If it made me break out laughing I’d be all for it, but it doesn’t sound like anyone’s having that reaction. A joke needs a setup and a punch line. This is one or the other, depending on your politics, but doesn’t contextualize the two into the mystical tickler that makes for great political cartooning.
And fuck your weather.

- alex 7-15-2008 2:27 am [add a comment]

when was the last time the new yorker was funny?
- bill 7-15-2008 2:33 am [add a comment]

When you were younger.
- alex 7-15-2008 2:35 am [add a comment]

This was brilliant.
- L.M. 7-15-2008 3:48 am [add a comment]

  • Amen. And it's still funny.
    - mb 7-15-2008 1:17 pm [add a comment]

  • I'm still a New Yorker supporter. I just read a lengthy article on Chesterton for christ's sake, and there are still funny cartoons. Mom always got it and one of her last acts was renewing the subscriptions she sent me and my sister each year. I intend to keep it coming in her memory.
    - alex 7-15-2008 1:22 pm [add a comment]

    • Me too, for my dad. I used to get his stale copies; he died May 3rd , the week his subscription ran out. I just refilled one for myself at the professional rate: $45 for 2 years. I pretty much read every frinkin' word with complete contempt & relish, like I read nearly everything else . Ren loves the cartoon caption contest. His best one so far was: "Ragnorak says the Qlipoth needs new snow tires." Prosit!
      - Frank (guest) 7-17-2008 1:37 am [add a comment] [edit]

  • and how! but you did have to go back 7 years. i told my mom to let my subscription run out. her mom was a charter subscriber and only cancd her sub at age 92 when she moved in with my mothers sister who also had a sub. much can be read online free now. and the cartoons havent made me laugh in a long long time. also i got my mom the complete new yorker on cds and she gave it back. she doesnt like to read on her computer.
    - bill 7-15-2008 4:29 pm [add a comment]

Jesus H. Wall Street you Bloombergian boogie chillen; who's yer f-in Mayor anyway ? Y'all think for one second it won't be: Ladies & Gentleman, President John "Dollar Bill" McCain. I'd expect nothing less from the magazine that dissed Timothy Leary AND Thomas Pynchon. Bite the hand that feeds you; that feeds you too. Only a dead man can turn water into wine. Hey, the one good reason to vote for Obama might be that he IS a terrorist; or at least the eighth avatar of Muhhammet. But if he does win; Jim called it here first. Me, if I was the kind of person that voted; I'd go full root green & throw my vote on the compost for Cynthia McKinney. But it's too far to walk from Sutton place & besides I just renewed my prescription. Sub.
- Lot's Wife (guest) 7-15-2008 6:13 am [add a comment]

Next day at the New Yorker

Mr. Elinoff: So, J. Peterman wants to hire some of our cartoonists to illustrate your catalog?

Elaine: Well we're hoping that if perhaps that the catalog is a little funnier ,people

won't be so quick to return the clothes ha ha....For example.. I..I really do....Well I love this one

Elaine shows him the cartoon

Mr. Elinoff: Oh! yeah... That's a rather clever jab at inter office politics don't you think.

Elaine: Ahan, Ahan....yeah...Euh but, Why is it that the, that the animals enjoy reading the email?

Mr. Elinoff: Well Miss Benes . Cartoons are like gossamer and one doesn't dissect gossamer. heh..hemm..

Elaine; Well you don't have to dissect if you can just tell me. Why this is suppose to be funny?

Mr. Elinoff: Ha! It's merely a commentary on contemporary mores. (slides the magazine to her)

Elaine: But, what is the comment. (she slides the magazine back to him)

Mr. Elinoff: It's a slice of life.

Elaine: No it isn't.

Mr. Elinoff: Pun?

Elaine: I don,t think so.

Mr Elinoff: Vorshtein?

Elaine: That's not a word.....You have no idea what this means do you?

Mr Elinoff: No.

Elaine: Then why did you print it.

Mr. Elinoff: I liked the kitty.

Elaine: (gets up) You know what? you people should be ashamed of yourself, you know ya doodle a couple of bears

at a cocktail party talking about the stock market. You think you're doing comedy.

Mr. Elinoff: Actually that's not bad..

Elaine: Oh! really (laughs) well you know..... I have others...
- dave 7-15-2008 7:33 pm [add a comment]

new yorker headmaster remnick on charlie rose tonight.
- dave 7-17-2008 1:52 am [add a comment]

better comic via digby
- mark 7-17-2008 5:19 am [add a comment]

More from Tom Tomorrow.
- mark 7-18-2008 2:25 am [add a comment]

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