n00bs r funee

D recently got a Blackberry (thanks for thinking about my stock price there), and is doing the text thing. So I've been kinda doin teh leet thing in my responses.

Last night while watchin' the tube ... "What's 'eighteen are bye'?" "Wha?" "What's 'eighteen are bye'?" "Snork. Um. That's not a 'one', that's an 'L'." "Oh. What's 'elle eight are bye'?" "Say it faster."

l8r bai
- mark 10-23-2008 11:32 pm


...except that I looked it up in the urban dictionary and found that it is only a small step from STFU.

(I want a Blackberry, gotta figure out an art project for it so I can get RIM to give me one for free)
- L.M. 10-24-2008 1:32 am [add a comment]

why "bai" instead of "bye"? not exactly saving you time or am i missing the point.
- dave 10-24-2008 1:39 am [add a comment]

slos down teh reading comprehension 2
- L.M. 10-24-2008 1:43 am [add a comment]

Speculation: the long i sound, as in bye or hi is better represented phonetically for non-English speakers as bai or hai. The letter i is phonetically pronounced like a long e in some languages (e.g. (in Spanish because that's the only other language I sorta know) aqui). So, bai, is sort of like "baa-ee"
- mark 10-24-2008 3:13 am [add a comment]

- mark 10-24-2008 3:21 am [add a comment]

one part phonetic, one part utility, one part cleverer than thou, iyam.
- dave 10-24-2008 3:28 am [add a comment]

"cleverer than thou" for sure, but also for young one's maybe keeping the parents from being able to understand.
- jim 10-24-2008 2:34 pm [add a comment]

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