I saw MB and Jim on TV!
- jim 1-20-2009 4:26 pm

Just kidding. Damn, there's a lot of people there.
- jim 1-20-2009 4:26 pm [add a comment]

wall street doesnt love obama yet:>):<((
Dow 8,095.64 -185.58 -2.24%
Nasdaq 1,477.54 -51.79 -3.39%
S&P 500 824.54 -25.58 -3.01%

- Skinny 1-20-2009 4:29 pm [add a comment]

It's nothing that would change the market since it's just ceremony - Wall St. already knew that Obama got elected so there's nothing different today.

I thought the ceremony went well. Glad to learn it was Roberts and not Obama who messed up the oath. I thought the speech was appropriately policy oriented (with lots of "tough times ahead") rather than some soaring poetics. Also, of course, I loved the direct rebukes to the outgoing administration. Amazingly strong.
- jim 1-20-2009 7:33 pm [add a comment]

As Atrios pointed out: Change has come - The Blog.
- jim 1-20-2009 7:43 pm [add a comment]

And as Kottke points out: all the third party content on the site is licensed using Creative Commons (but how much third party content is on the White House website?)
- jim 1-20-2009 7:53 pm [add a comment]

I just hope he makes the payouts at 10 cents on the buck, it seems insane the bailout of bank exucutive's, shareholders (me inc with mutual funds), etc....
- Skinny 1-21-2009 3:37 pm [add a comment]

anyone catch the milli vanilli reunion?
- bill 1-23-2009 1:56 pm [add a comment]

some good coverage in the New Yorker Talk of the Town
- mark 1-29-2009 6:08 am [add a comment]

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