Quoting from Scalia's recent Fuck/Fuck/Shit/Fuck opinion, which is quoting from an FCC ruling ...

The Commission determined, moreover, that the broadcast was “patently offensive” because the F-Word “is one of the most vulgar, graphic and explicit descriptions of sexual activity in the English language,” because “[i]ts use invariably invokes a coarse sexual image,” and because Bono’s use of the wordwas entirely “shocking and gratuitous.”

I, for one, believe the FCC needs to get out more. If they had ever seen and heard Andy Dick describing a rusty trombone, I think they'd worry a lot less about Bono's "fooking brilliant".

- mark 4-28-2009 7:46 pm

Fuck should be something you say to people you love....

- Skinny 4-29-2009 9:47 pm [add a comment]

  • What, you don't?
    - steve 4-30-2009 3:13 am [add a comment]

  • Tim Leary at one of his lectures in the 80's said "We use FU in the wrong way, most people use it when they are angry and Hey FU!! but we should be using this during te day for friends Hey FU:>)"
    - Skinny 4-30-2009 11:26 am [add a comment]

I could not agree more.
- jimlouis 4-29-2009 11:06 pm [add a comment]

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