New visitor to pond. Alex, little help?

- jimlouis 5-29-2009 1:02 am

Billy Idol?
- steve 5-29-2009 3:45 am [add a comment]

steves right. the schnarl in unmistakable.
- adman 5-29-2009 7:15 am [add a comment]

im guessing a female hooded merganser, and generation x era idol.
- dave 5-29-2009 9:13 am [add a comment]

Dave's getting good at this, that is indeed a Hooded Merg hen. The drake is one of our more striking waterfowl, but as is typical with ducks the females are rather drab. Mergansers are notable among ducks for their thin bills, which are serrated and function like teeth alowing them to catch fish. They are diving ducks, not dabblers like Mallards. There was a pair last time we visited Connecticut, but I think they left before Dave woke up, so he's either got a field guide or just showing off his searchcraft. Nice bird for the property (that's VA I take it?)
- alex 5-29-2009 1:13 pm [add a comment]

Way to go Dave, I think you right. You're two for two. I would have looked it up myself last night but was late for the Scripps Spelling Bee, which honestly was a a little more exciting than the basketball game. You may be asking what is the second thing I got? After the Spelling Bee we came back down and streamed three episodes of that show, can't think of name now, wannabe or ex-actors working for catering business. Funny, funny, funny.
- jimlouis 5-29-2009 1:13 pm [add a comment]

Yeah, VA. Would love to see that male. Did watch the female dive fishing but it was late-ish and low light and film/shutter speed wouldn't have allowed the shot.
- jimlouis 5-29-2009 1:16 pm [add a comment]

this was what got me into following the bees.
- linda 5-29-2009 1:39 pm [add a comment]

ahh, the birds and the bees together again.

twas searchcraft, obvious. i couldnt tell a merganser from mallard fillmore.
- dave 5-29-2009 5:26 pm [add a comment]

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