In protest of George W. Bush's energy policies and lack of emphasis on efficiency, conservation and alternative fuels, there will be a voluntary rolling blackout on the first day of Summer, June 21 at 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. in any time zone (this will roll it across the planet). It's a simple protest and a symbolic act. Turn out your lights from 7 p.m. until 10 p.m. (your local time) on June 21. Unplug whatever you can unplug in your house. Light a candle for the Sun, kiss, make love, play games, tell ghost stories, do something instead of watching television, have fun in the dark. Forward this email as widely as possible, to your government representatives and environmental contacts. Let them know we want global education, participation and funding in conservation, efficiency and alternative energy efforts -- and an end to over exploitation and misuse of the Earth's resources.
- linda 5-24-2001 10:15 pm

right on--i will provide the wine!!--where we doing it??
- Skinny 5-25-2001 2:34 am [add a comment]

  • I'm in
    - steve 5-30-2001 6:32 am [add a comment]

    • i,m out its YAT that i have to pour vino, at Astor Wines 5-8, maybe i should cut the power!!! could hook up with you all at 8:30 but it will be so dark i might not find you....
      - Skinny 5-30-2001 4:17 pm [add a comment]

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