prospect park brush fire

- bill 11-09-2024 9:09 pm

as covered by the Post


- bill 11-09-2024 9:09 pm [add a comment]

  • i was supposed to go there today. my friends wouldnt go because of the fires.... in new jersey. they thought the air quality was bad. i went to park slope. couldnt tell the difference. 

    - dave 11-09-2024 10:42 pm [add a comment]

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- Roberthiers (guest) 11-10-2024 8:56 am [add a comment]

I was birding in south Brooklyn, it was bad, especially in the morning. Hazy with a nasty burnt odor. It was from the Jersey fires, not Prospect. Not as bad as the brown day from the Canadian fires in '23, which was a high atmosphere thing, but it smelled worse.
- alex 11-10-2024 9:01 am [add a comment] .
- Diplomi_ivOl (guest) 11-29-2024 5:08 am [add a comment]

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