from abuddha memes Esoteric Info on Electromagnetic Weapons.

"Human Tolerances to whole body sinusodal vibration: Head Pain 13-30Hz, Impaired Speech 13-20Hz, Jaw Pain 6-8Hz, Chest Pain 5-7Hz, Abdominal Pain 4.5 - 10 Hz, Lombotacral Pain 8-12Hz, Urge to defecate 10.5 to 16 Hz, Urge to urinate 10 to 18 Hz."

"Possible effects include instantaneous death, heart seizure, severe emotional disruption, loss of control of internal functions, diseases, disabling of the immune system, and even implantation of thoughts, emotions, and ideas which are interpreted by the subjects as their own."

- Skinny 9-04-2001 11:24 am

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