You gotta know I already let him have it last night. In Amarillo we got a whole dambd forest of great big *long*(not tall) redwoods. Long cause they'r lying on the ground petrified. They'r "mighty" petrified our mighty redwoods. mesquete ? how bout them. thorny and tasty for the bbq. / cedar groves suitible for real-good fence posts. uh er anything else you wanted me to remind em ? The mighty coconut palms of Padre Island ? (imports again) He's right Jim, we got not-a-lotta to brag on treewise. Remember those fake tree's in Freds ?

- bill 5-05-2001 12:12 am

One of my favorite Texas trees is the bois d'arc, which natives pronounce "boh-dark." It's not much to look at--it has multiple trunks and dense, skinny branches. But once a year it drops melon-sized, chartreuse fruits all over the streets and sidewalks. These "hedge apples" (or, as my grandfather called them, "horse apples") are covered with a lumpy, vaguely reptilian hide. They're dense and inedible, and about the only good thing you can say for them is they hold their shape well as you kick them down the street.
- Tom Moody 5-05-2001 12:29 am [2 comments]

- link- (guest) 8-09-2004 11:22 am [add a comment]

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