Well old boy I think I've had that happen couple times..sans headache...One couple months ago...freaky but remembered after occurrence few years back Michelle determined that wasnt fatal so I didnt panic... Kinda cool if you can embrace without concern of head exploding or eye melting out of your head,,,, sdb
- steve db 4-27-2015 8:09 pm

the accompanying migraine was pretty mild as headaches go. just not my milieu. im more of a tension/sinus headache guy. stay in your lane, cortex!

ill pass on the hallucination if i have a say, too, if for no other reason than it probably means a headache is on the way.

- dave 4-27-2015 9:22 pm [add a comment]

a migraine does not necessarily include pain. My 4 or 5 experiences were without pain but manifested as a granular metallic donut creating a blind spot which grew and then faded over about 30 mins time. I think in one eye only. it led me to look up phosphenes

- bill 4-28-2015 10:43 am [add a comment]

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