i don't think anyone who practices yoga believes that the yoga asanas taught today in western yoga studios are ancient. that's certainly not what yoga teachers are teaching their students, as far as i know.

the yoga sutras were compiled over 1,500 years ago and outline the 8 limbs of yoga - the physical practice of asana is just one of those eight limbs. physical poses likely were done to enable the body to sit in meditation for long periods time.

so yes, yoga is ancient but certainly not the "yoga" that we have today.

- linda 6-02-2015 7:40 pm

and that's a very good thing because one thing Patanjali's Yoga Sutras make abundantly clear over and over is that Yoga is NOT for women

not that Hinduism has much use for women either outside of statutory rape and undinal statuary

and imagine a yoga class without statuesque women

and their attendant creepy spiritual dudes
- Am Nasty (guest) 6-07-2015 5:18 pm [add a comment]

  • Longest Day!
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    Yoga Day!

    - Am Nasty (guest) 6-21-2015 12:57 pm [add a comment] [edit]

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