still waiting but i saw the plumber vacuuming the uniform store next to the gallery across the street. also, his boss, the landlord was on the street talking up somebody else. and he is the direct line to the asian carpenter we will eventually need so figured it was worth a stroll. as i left the building it was no surprise to see that my landlord had shuttered his "store" for the day.

all in all a worthy venture. the plumber will be by sometime "tonight." still didnt bother to pin him down but maybe my neighbors will be around by then. but more usefully without prompting the neighboring landlord suggested he bring by some plastic sheeting to cover the hole for the time being. so it wont be a wasted trip after all assuming he remembers. though i suppose the plumber could conveniently not find the sheeting, not out of malice just laziness.

and perhaps even better, he mentioned that he had to buy convections ovens for his building while the gas pipes were replaced and he offered to sell me one at a very reduced rate once the pipe issue was squared away. i didnt exactly jump at the chance because i didnt think they had a toaster function and i already have convection capabilities with the unit i have and i rarely use it. but this looks like a pretty nice upgrade (i think its this) so i may have to grab one. my only fear being that it requires more wattage then my apartment can spare.

- dave 6-15-2015 7:21 pm

oh, and i did ask about the uniform store. i think ive seen one person in there ever. turns out its run by the landlords mother. she has had the store since 1961. i wanted to ask when they bought the building (and for how much) but decided against it.
- dave 6-15-2015 7:24 pm [add a comment]

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