i was just figuring labor. the materials he can verify. and its hard to get specific on time because he would disappear for long stretches and attend to non-job related tasks.

day one maybe three hrs prepping and putting up sheetrock.
day two maybe seven hrs removing then putting back toilet further
rupturing previously unfound leaky pipe and then temporarily repairing pipe.
day three maybe eight hours removing & replacing pipe, rebuilding floor under toilet
day four three hours prepping, sheetrocking and plastering.
day five (yet to come) sanding and painting. two hours rounding up.

so three days, two days of contracting, one of plumbing, and most of the first two days were avoidable had it been someone more competent. also, had the second days repairs been done during the day when parts could have been purchased the need for a one day patch which wasted 3 plus hours could have been bypassed.

so at least some of that has to be on him i would think, but its 23 hours.
- dave 10-27-2015 9:01 pm

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