Oh, Jim. I like the levity. Too much dour conversation on the site. These are serious times and we need a thing like this to raise our sights. But to make Mr. Wilson responsible is unbecomming. First: internet users do not need a patron St. unlike the poor fishermen who brave the seas. Do you want a long list of others who have and don't need patron saints? Second: internet users do so at their own risk of information, disinfomation, propoganda and quality of reasearch and , I think, urgerncy. The sense of immediate impact is a grave disservice. Even a Saint can not protect against all that onslaught of information. Saints are only dead well-meaning people. Only a good dose of Prozac will keep us calm and I don't think Saints dispense drugs. All of us have to chill out and not read, listen, watch and analyze so much. On the other hand, if it is St. Isidore, I may pray to him as well as others. Who knows for sure. We do what we have to.

Mr. Wilson will respond far more beautifully than I. And will probably disagree with my now passive and prayerful position.
- jeanne 3-26-2003 11:40 pm

Jeanne, thank you for your passive & prayerful position; we should all take our cue pursuant thereto. If only we could exclaim: Moms Rule ! & have it be so. Oh Auntie Em.
- frank 3-27-2003 12:42 am [add a comment]

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