I guess they're getting him ready now. Mixed feelings when it comes down to it but in the end I favor a death penalty, not as deterrent, because it isn't, and maybe not the way we do it now but some way for us to express our basest selves, to express that we have limits to what we will tolerant in a society. I regret the death of all innocents, but they're probably aren't as many as we are led to believe, and McVeigh certainly isn't one of them. As for the trampling of his rights, yes, we should be outraged, and should speak out loudly, but to expect an unblundering Federal Government is probably expecting too much. This is still a great place to live, which is probably what Timothy McVeigh felt at one time, and then became disillusioned, and too angry, and acted inappropriately, but still, at least in his own mind, as a patriot.
- jimlouis 6-11-2001 3:58 pm

No no no no good fucking Christ people.

This is some mother's child. I was not going to
desecrate silence over this but now
Jim Louis has gone & got me all sad
because I somehow must be able to tell him
we do not draw lines using some
mother's child. Ther's always gonna be
killing & we all might end up doing it
but that is not the same. Capital punishment
is reality TV war.
Salinger wrote something about how
Lincoln should have never made the
Gettysburg Address, he should have just
shook his fist in the air.
Jim Louis I'm serious as cancer you got
to reconsider & take back what you said for
the sake of the tree or you might meet me
someday & I will be very sad.
- frank 6-12-2001 7:44 am [8 comments]

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