my favorite comment regarding the cgi "cheat."

"There is only one cheat. And he lives with strongbad."
- dave 4-19-2003 12:38 am

by the third time someone makes the joke, i think its lame. reminds me of the first time i saw one of those wisconsin cheesehead hats. maybe frank was on to something, or is knowledge just a curse? good thing i am well on my way to know-nothing.
- dave 4-19-2003 12:47 am [1 comment]

This thread is beginning to resemble the Fuscilli & Weiss film itself which I saw at the New Museum a couple of years ago. I admit to having been transfixed but was mostly nonplused, so they added flames to Mousetrap, a game I loved as a kid despite knowing it was a swipe from Rube Goldberg.
- steve 4-20-2003 7:49 pm [2 comments]

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