Yeah Alex, Remember you well, and being somewhat befuddled (me, not you) in that SoHo bar, might have been something I ate. And thanks for reminding me of the snake girl, now there's a story, perhaps more appropriately posted to that RatBastard spinoff,, yeah boy, now you got me thinking about it, my sincere thanks is disingenouous. Am dating the archive pieces as you suggested. You are not the first to ask for a tree. I'll try to put something together, if you will bear in mind that it's complicated, and I'm lazy.
- jimlouis 4-11-2000 2:43 am

Happy to engage in contest of laziness; don't be too confident.
- alex 4-11-2000 3:13 pm [add a comment]

  • are we engaging in a laziness contest? sign me up please. id do it my self but...we'll show those southerners a thing or two about being shiftless.
    - dave 4-11-2000 4:12 pm [add a comment]

  • Now shiftless I find to be a more aggressive form of lazy, different contest, different lack of rules. Anyway, I'm throwing in the towel, have to go work on the Rocheblave house, but I'll be drinking ice cold budweiser, and shirking two minutes for every one I work. My boss can't control me.
    - jimlouis 4-11-2000 8:31 pm [add a comment]

  • i just saw the response. sometimes we lose track of our place. i think shiftless gets a bad rap. or maybe its just me. i think i had it warped by its proximity to shifty. websters says shiftless is lacking the will or ability to do or accomplish versus lazy which is disinclined to action or exertion; naturally or habitually slothful. so i guess shiftless could imply a lack of aptitude but in my mind it also had a devious quality.
    - dave 4-19-2000 5:02 am [add a comment]

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