I was watching cnn and noticed the wtc was on fire so I looked up and indeed it was. Then I saw the second plane hit and then one by one the towers fell down. They just vaporised. smoke is blowing due south and the void left behind is amazing. goodbye 83rd floor, hope my friends and favorite shop workers and ups man are ok.
- bill 9-11-2001 7:24 pm

I still have my "I survived the terror in the Towers" T-shirt from the last time. amazing to consider those building there one moment and gone the next. Now you see it now you don't. Now it is now it aint. I saw the explosion of the impack of the second airplane but not the aproach. They were supposed to have contact with a guy w/ a cell phone in the bathroom of the Pennsylvania air plane. he said "we're being Hijacked!" They kept him on the line for a half hour and then a large explosion and then silence. It's still billowing up smoke, grey then white then back to grey, so on..
- bill 9-11-2001 10:35 pm [add a comment]

We had to go to 94 and Park to pick up Theo. Took us a couple hours. Midtown is a mess. The east side is especially a mess. Everybody out in the streets wondering how they're going to get home. First National Guard units starting to show up. I don't recommend going anywhere except on foot. If anyone is in range come on by AKA tonight.
- jim 9-11-2001 10:46 pm [add a comment]

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