there is some borderline psychotic out on allen st. "singing" a song which is supposed to be Over There but those are the only two words which he knows. the rest are nasal intonations approximating words and melody. im sure there is a metaphor for the actions of the neocons in there somewhere.

and what exactly is your timetable for invading iran, n. korea and (possibly soon) saudi arabia to stave off the spread of the nuclear menace? will you be raising taxes soon to cover these expenditures? should we reinstitute the draft or start recruiting our foreign legion core? that lure of american citizen is one hypnotic carrot.

Damn The French! if it wasnt for their impertinence and obstinacy this world would be threat free except for china and pakistan and loose nukes in russia and dirty bombs and biological agents and chemical agents terrorism and lsd.

the initial problem with the war was that the justification for it was built upon a foundation of lies self delusion and intimidation. whatever the outcome this is not a way to conduct a war or govern a people no matter how much you are sure of the rightness of your actions.

now that we are "fucked" as ambassador wilson has put it, we are looking to be bailed out by the international community that we ignored when they were not cowed by our bluster. he says the us would be lucky to get $8 billion in aid from the rest of the world to help rebuild iraq. wheres the big bucks from our allies the spanish, the italians, the saudis and the gulf states? or if only that top 1% of americans didnt so desperately need that "tax relief" we could finance it ourselves. if only those americans would stop emulating the greedy and bitter french, the world would be a safer place.

ok, im through ranting although you never did address the friedman piece which was roundly reviled throughout the blogosphere.

your main pollockian contention is that saddam was or would become a nuclear threat and would threaten the stability of the region and if im not mistaken our access to iraqi and saudi oil. but again as the wilson interview contends, the timetable and the means by which we should have endeavored to alter the situation were far removed for what pollack envisioned. this is not a minor issue. this is why we are fucked. that contingencies for post-war chaos were not well considered is either a result of hubris or incompetency.
and all of this was supposed to make us more secure in the end. that hardly seems likely at this point. i do sincerly hope that your timeline for iraqs rejuvenation is realistic but that it could degenerate into civil war is hardly a remote possibility.
- dave 9-20-2003 8:14 pm

btw that interview with wilson is terrific. as i read it, though, he doesn't disagree with the invasion, although he thinks we didn't pave the way well and certainly makes the case that we've fucked up the postwar. he's also a big ken pollack fan ; )
- big jimmy 9-24-2003 9:24 am [add a comment]

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