Umm ... fall? Colors?
- mark 10-16-2003 7:10 am

You'll get your colors on the 24th. It's this thing they have west of Califronia, called seasons, there are four of them and different things happen during each one. This season is called Fall, and the leaves on trees change color, sometimes to spectacular effect. The next season will be winter and there might be snow, like that....
- jimlouis 10-16-2003 3:49 pm [add a comment]

Funny, that doesn't sound like Hawaii.
- steve 10-16-2003 5:23 pm [add a comment]

Yeah, but Hawaii doesn't even sound like Hawaii. Although it can sound like Massachusetts.
- jimlouis 10-16-2003 7:23 pm [add a comment]

  • Having grown up in coastal Texas, and having lived my adult life in California, I have a distorted view of the alleged four seasons.

    I've got exactly one tree whose leaves turn red, perhaps in November. The others just turn brown, as they do in Texas. My 8' tall camilia is already forming the buds for its January 2004 blooms. My Tulip Magnolia will start forming buds in December for its February blooms.

    We just get "wet" and "dry" for seasons. I drive to the Sierra to visit "winter".

    - mark 10-17-2003 5:44 am [add a comment]

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