you choose --

response #1 well thats appropriate because thats where i usually write it.

response #2 well thats appropriate. its where i do my best work.

response #3 what, youre not wireless?

response #4 bathrooms are for wusses.

response #5 talk about the crapper. have you seen salons stock lately? ipos are now ipus.
- dave 4-21-2000 4:09 pm

I was hoping for a response that would let me say "Oh, that's what a Palm is. I thought it was software for uploading porn."
- alex 4-21-2000 5:02 pm [add a comment]

now thats the type of geek im most familiar with, the type that only figuratively wishes to decapitate living creatures.
- dave 4-21-2000 5:29 pm [1 comment]

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