Also on Slate today, analytical fogey William Saletan waxes ecstatic about the "perfect symmetry" of Rumsfeld's plan. Saletan opines: Bin Laden used proxies to get to us, while he remained safe in his cave; now we use proxies to get to him, without losing any more more of our own people. Neat. I guess the image of the Mighty Techno-Americans throwing coins to the Afghans and saying "crawl for us, starving persons" doesn't make him as sick as it does me.

(I rewrote the above slightly and posted it on the Fray under the heading "Symmetry of Cowardice": "William Saletan waxes ecstatic about the 'perfect symmetry' of Rumsfeld's plan: Bin Laden used proxies to get to us, while he remained safe in his cave; now we use proxies to get to him, without losing any more more of our own people. Neat. Yet I have to say the image of the Mighty Techno-Americans throwing coins to the Afghans and saying 'crawl for us, starving persons' doesn't make me very proud.")
- tom moody 11-21-2001 2:24 am

The Ad Hominem Right jumped on it really quick! Here's "Fully Brusque Man"'s response:

"The cry goes round the Pentagon, 'Tom Moody's not proud! Let's do something to get some of our guys killed!'

Evidently Bill Maher made an ass of himself in vain."
- tom moody 11-21-2001 7:37 am [add a comment]

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