so ugly. can tell it's made in if italy was producing this thing - THEN we might see some style-y looks.
- linda 12-03-2001 10:57 pm

Yeah, but if Italian's made one it would be in the shop most of the time.
I think Segue seems like a really great vehicle. It seems sensible and cheap (couple of cents worth of electricity a day) Why are you folks so down on it? I've heard many of you bitch about suv's at one time or another for being inefficiant fuel hogs, status symbols, over designed etc..... I'm all for it, in a city like Sanfrancisco or Los Angeles I think this would be a real alternative to driving.
Bucky would love it.
Fossil fuel, Bah! Let's get on with it.
- steve 12-03-2001 11:06 pm [add a comment]

Can anybody give me even one way in which this is better than a bike?

Well, OK, it looks like it might be really fun, I'll grant, but I mean in a "solve the problems of the world" way. Seems to me a bike is faster, cheaper, lighter, can carry more cargo, can be fixed by a non computer/gyroscopic engineer without access to proprietary design information, uses less non-renewable energy sources, and is more beneficial to human health. What am I missing? Outside of the fun aspect, why would I spend $3000 (!!!) on this when I can get a good bike for $300, or a crappy used one for $30 (or for $3 in this neighborhood)?

I actually thought it might be a flying machine. :-(
- jim 12-03-2001 11:35 pm [3 comments]

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