I believe that there are many cases where the sedan is used to haul nothing more than one ass and a wallet from the outskirts of town to the center. Why not build a "ginger lane"? No, I don't think a mountain biker would turn in his bicycle for such a device. And bike messengers will no doubt scoff. I probably wouldn't use one in this city either, I almost always choose to walk. I doubt if this thing would get anyone to sell their car, but that's not the intent of the Ginger folks. It would be used in place of the car for those stupid errands in a city like Los Angeles. Where the distances to the post office or deli are a half an hour by foot and the side walks are empty. In a city like Portland or Seattle there are such steep hills that riding a bicycle is serious work, more than most people are capable of. They don't ride their bicycles now, they drive.

- steve 12-04-2001 5:59 pm

I finally waded through much of the underwhelmed response posted in the above /. link. From what I can tell this is perhaps not for most Americans out side of Mailmen, Warehouse Workers and Robot Warriors. I think the upright posture and max speed limits the length of the commute and the window of age for those capable and responsible enough to actually run IT safely. Pluss its hot in the summer, cold in the winter and useless in foul weather of all sorts. However there is much hope that it appears in next seasons JackAss shows (if there are any).
- bill 12-04-2001 8:01 pm [add a comment]

  • One of the links Dave posted claimed that IT works over ice. Glazing is a big problem in the Northwest. My own experiences with "ice storms" are that nothing but golf shoes work on a heavily iced over street, not studded tires, chains boots etc. I've seen countless cars and jeeps slipping sideways down a steep hill coming to rest against a guard rail or Douglas Fir. Maybe Ginger could be the safest mode of transport in such conditions.
    Whatever, I'm hopeful that this device could be a practical mode of transport. But it'll probably not happen here, we're too steeped in the culture of the automobile. In a city like Paris or Taiwan where a significant chunk of the population use scooters IT might really make a difference.
    - steve 12-04-2001 8:18 pm [add a comment]

    • My thoughts for an improved American transport system run more toward a lightrail system of hub and spokes connecting to fast trains. Think of the enhanced comfort level over the full exposure to elements of IT. I'm tired of the problematics of air travel and think interlinked fast rail service is the answer (including freight / those semi trucks are murder). The IT could get you to your local lightrail station and then train it from there / but I dont think anyone feels the need for one to get them to/from the subway and most burb folks take a local bus to the train station (that could be improved). A seperate ginger road lane would require it's own Robert Moses to commandeer space in high density areas for a few capable users going, what is it, 12 to 17 mph ?.

      - bill 12-04-2001 9:19 pm [add a comment]

- news- (guest) 8-09-2004 11:23 am [add a comment]

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