do you think so ? Ive had frank and his family over to the house to break bread and spill beer with a bunch of the treers. We all know each other. What accounts for the constant flaming and condesention ?

- bill 2-05-2004 3:39 pm

O what piety, such a plaintive anthem, your indignation overflows its two-sip Dixie cup. Yes Bill, it was wonderful how you got the pinball machine going for my kid, I will never forget it & we will always have Hoboken. Yet your incessant & usually scatological crassness toward me contradicts you constant pompous asides to your bogus quorum of Keebler elves. Walk on the street Bill & shit will get on your shoes. I am the shit. Look Bill, if you want I'll show you some of my moves & we can work up a routine to entertain all our unpunctuated lower-case fellow feeling artfags here at Woody Holler. If your are offended let me know, like ethel says, I like to know when I get things right!
- Lowly Worm (guest) 2-05-2004 7:44 pm [add a comment]

oh yeah denial, i forgot to mention denial. is it to late to get than in. frank likes to flame and just about every one here has gotten an unsolicited liberal dose. many of us incessantly. when to say when ? when I did. when tom did. when bruno did. when alex did. the rest, they either dont feed trolls or they quote the smiths. who died and left you "the shit" ?
- bill 2-05-2004 10:27 pm [1 comment]

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