if so, here's the report from tonight's Larry King-hosted affair in LA...

Supposedly this was going to be the debate where Edwards was going to get "more confrontational" with Kerry (per his campaign). Cool! Dem deathmatch!

But when it came, it was pretty weak. Edwards said, I've won independents. Kerry said, no, I have (Kerry's right, everywhere but Wisconsin). Edwards said, I can win in the south. Kerry said, um, I won in Virginia and Tennessee, aren't those near the south, dipstick?

I mean, it was hardly sporting.

The most interesting episode for me was when Edwards alluded to the $100k that Kerry's taken from registered lobbyists. Kerry said, half of edwards' money comes from one interest group (knife in back), but I would NEVER suggest they have any influence over him (smiles up front). Brutal, beautiful, and presumably a demonstration for us dems that he'll play rough with Dubya too.

So what i'm saying is, Kerry won, easily, Edwards barely laid a glove on him.

Meanwhile Sharpton was auditioning for a role as Kerry's new best friend -- thanking him (justifiably) for being included in the debate, snapping at edwards a few times, trying to intercept questions and generally chewing up the clock.

Shit, if Kerry could somehow figure out how to get Sharpton included in the debates with Dubya, we'd have this thing locked.

Larry King is an idiot and a prick (who also kept making bizzare loud coughing noises into his mic), and was particularly mean to Kucinich, who did his best to challenge the Kerry/Edwards consensus and to be a meaningful participant, to no avail, while Sharpton kept saying how great it was to have their progressive viewpoints included and how no one needed to vote for Nader since it's all coming out in debates like this.

I mean, geez.

Meanwhile I predict that the Deaniacs are looking at and listening to Kerry for the first time ever from a position other than across enemy lines. And i'll bet they are starting to like what they see.

- big jimmy 2-27-2004 6:50 am

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