i'm not saying deansters are going to go from hatred to love overnight -- just that they're going to start warming up to kerry more and more. especially after the NY debate sunday night.

kos is in edwards-fantasy-land, he'll come out of it in a few weeks.

it's funny to see dean progressives rallying to edwards, who's actually more conservative than kerry. i bet if edwards were the guy who had won 16 out of 18 primaries they'd be trying to rally to kerry.

i'm not saying kerry's bill clinton. i think this still looks pretty good for bush.

but let's not kid ourselves. bush would destroy edwards easily.

Americans in swing states believe we're at war. if the 2000 election were held now, Gore would win easily -- because Bush's inexperience in foreign policy would seem like an instant disqualifier.

Meanwhile Edwards makes Bush look like freakin' Churchill. Zero foreign policy experience. Zero executive experience of any kind. And as charming as he may seem now, it wouldn't take too much of the $100 million to make him look like a slick lawyer trying to pull a fast one -- Clinton without the substance.

At least with Kerry his flaws and weaknesses are obvious (even if it's painful to see). I think he gets better and better the more you see of him.

Yeah, I'm partisan. But I don't think all these Democratic primary voters are media-duped idiots; I think there's a there there.

Now if he would just talk more about energy and the environment....

EDIT: a quick stroll through blog for america suggests that the trend with deaniacs is that edwards is losing his luster as a kerry alternative... representative quote: "Edwards looked less like a running mate, and more like a damned debutante." but i also did see a few posts grudgingly admitting that kerry did well, or better than in the past.
- big jimmy 2-27-2004 8:47 pm

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