Uh oh.

Kerry looked like shit and sounded tired,disengaged, and sometimes just plain incoherent.

I'm worried.

He seemed absolutely uninspiring.

Now, I think Kerry's smart enough to do one thing at a time -- he's still working on the nomination, and the smart thing to do is keep running out the clock.

But he has to bump his game up a TON for the general.


The big news seemed to be that Edwards finally showed some fire. I thought his likeability dipped a little when he did it, though -- and Edwards minus likeability ain't too hot of a package.

Meanwhile Kucinich is doing a truly admirable job of fighting to keep in the conversation and to raise the debate to one of core values and principles.

Sharpton is doing a good job of fighting with the moderators (Elisabeth Bumiller lost control of the table at one point, and only Dan Rather was able to straighten things out) and delivering soundbites.

There CAN'T be many more of these...
- big jimmy 2-29-2004 9:00 pm

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