There were Crocuses in the Park yesterday, and Snowdrops, but I don’t really go by garden flowers. Check the trees in your neighborhood: Red Maple is blooming, and a few Elm buds are starting to burst. Bird-wise, things are also moving. Grackles started a week or so back, large flocks are now going by. Rusty Blackbirds in breeding plumage hit town, and while a few Song Sparrows live in the Park, yesterday there were scores of them all over. There are more Robins around, but the big push hasn’t happened yet; any day now. The first warbler of the year, a Pine (as usual) is here, and I got a good look at a Woodcock, which is not an easy thing to do. I even saw a couple of Turkey Vultures from the end of my own street, always a lovely sign of Spring.
- alex 3-08-2004 7:54 pm

Turkey Vultures.
- selma 3-08-2004 8:00 pm [add a comment]

As a Vulture might say, it’s good to have some new blood around here.
- alex 3-08-2004 8:39 pm [add a comment]

  • It is nice to overlap links with you and be introduced to the "good" bird, I look forward to reading about your Spring.
    - selma 3-09-2004 10:36 pm [add a comment]

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