Red-tails are about 18 to 22 inches long, from bill to tail-tip, with a wingspan of four feet or more. Females are larger than males, a peculiarity of raptors. Red-tails are our most widespread large hawks; very adaptable, they are found throughout North America. As you can see, they are learning to live in cities. The only other widespread nesting raptor in NYC is the little Kestrel Falcon, which is hardly bigger than a Robin: there’s a nest in hole in a gutter near where I live. A few Peregrine Falcons, all ultimately descending from release programs, now nest on tall buildings or bridges around town, and here or there some Accipiters and Owls may nest, mostly on the edges of the city.
- alex 4-01-2004 7:09 pm

a nest in a gutter? that sounds just too sad. great photos - thank you.
- selma 4-01-2004 7:58 pm [add a comment]

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