Yeah, I've heard about this. Don't remember the details. Microsoft was going to do this at one point, but I believe they backpeddled when there was a huge uproar. But there was also some thrid party product.

Good luck uninstalling that (whatever it is.) It can be quite a pain.
- jim 4-01-2002 4:12 pm

Deleting short porn movies (after watching of course) and deleting screen savers that say "Fuck the Magnolia" (New Orleans housing project) is about all the maintainence I do on these Dumaine computers. I'll just leave it. It is mildly amusing what gets randomly selected, for instance in Alex's Easter post, the words "whole life" in his opening paragraph link to an insurance company. That was my first clue that something was amiss, Alex selling life insurance.
- jimlouis 4-01-2002 7:19 pm [add a comment]

  • But that's exactly what I'm doing!
    Or was that life assurance?
    - alex 4-01-2002 7:33 pm [add a comment]

    • Well uh yeah, not that there's anything wrong with selling life insurance, I just uh...uhhh. And no offense with that F the Magnolia line. I wrote that right before seeing your April Fools pictures. Of course if I really wanted to offend someone, guaranteed, I would express a stupid opinion about the uh mideast conflict. I think I could probably piss someone off just saying Israel. Or, Palestine.
      - jimlouis 4-01-2002 7:42 pm [add a comment]

      • Israel!? Palestine!? You must be the biggest fool on earth, and a bad person, to boot. Can't you see how utterly obvious it all is? Let me unexplain...
        - alex 4-01-2002 7:49 pm [add a comment]

        • Please Alex, just calm down. Anyway, I know your just blowing smoke about the mideast, its that Magnolia comment that stuck in your craw. Craw?
          - jimlouis 4-01-2002 7:59 pm [add a comment]

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