Be that as it may Mr. Bill, I still have no idea what your original post was. Shall I remain in the dark? I can't just sign in at the NYT sign in page that pops up because I have no idea what my original screen name and password are/was/is. Shall I peruse the entire NYT for a birding theme? You would have me peruse would you? And if you are making that smocking sound by inserting your finger inside your cheek and then flinging outward with it, then that explains the little flecks of spit inside my monitor. Moreover, you don't know where that finger's been.

Just finished a little job for this engineer guy who was in on the early space program, the first super clean "white room," printed circuitry boards, which allowed for the miniaturization of all this stuff we take for granted today, and a lot of the just plain practical stuff that was involved in designing a craft that would carry men to the moon. When Nixon shut the space program down all these best and brightest type dudes were left in the lurch and had to find jobs in the private sector. He found a job at Avondale (a big ship yard here)and has worked there for 30 years. But give him a chance to talk, and he can tell a body some things about the space program.

And I've been dreading this but I'm off to City Hall of bureaucratic hell to get a building permit for Rocheblave (I'm still shut down over there until Entergy hooks up my temporary power. If we were still doing any work for the Entergy CEO, I could just drop a hint to wife, Jackie, and done deal. But we're not, so I can't.) And if you're thinking damn, you've gutted the place and done all that clean up and you still don't have a building permit, just get off my back, all right?, what are you now, a building inspector?

But I'm pretty good at putting things off, as perhaps you can tell by the length of this what was going to be simple reply.

Hey did I ever tell you about the time...
- jimlouis 5-17-2000 7:42 pm

i really love pizza--when hung over i can eat more slices than "normal"
- anonymous (guest) 5-18-2000 12:25 am [1 comment]

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