I can't listen to NPR's weekend edition this morning. Those damn socialists are caught up in the orgy of Ronnie worship. They mention Iran-Contra (two!, two! impeachable offenses in one) in the context of "inevitable political problems". Yeah, felonies are inevitable.

But the topper is not one fucking mention of Saddam and the WMDs. Reagan and Bush 41 backed that two bit thug and provided him with some of the raw materials and equipment used to gas Kurds and Persians.

Ronnie boy was a footnote in the cold war, yet has gotten windfall credit for the work done by Truman, Kennedy, Gorbachev, Walesa and others. Ronnie was a central figure in the rise of Saddam, but no one dares say a word. SCLM strikes again!
- mark 6-06-2004 8:45 pm

Weekend Edition made me want to barf too.
- steve 6-08-2004 7:33 pm [add a comment]

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