met-a along with after, between. among; akin to, Eng. mid- (as in midwife )], a prefix meaning: 1. changed in position or form, altered, transposed, as in metamorphosis, metathesis: equivalent to trans- 2. after, as in metaphysics........ met-a-mor-pho-sis 1. a) change of form, shape, structure, or substance; transformation, especially by magic or sorcery. b) the form resulting from such change. 2, a marked or complete change of character, appearance, condition, ect. 3. in biology, a change in form, structure, or function as a result of development; specifically, a) the physical transformation, more or less sudden, undergone by various animals during development after the embryonic state, as of the larva of an insect to the pupa and the pupa to the adult, or the ltadpole to the frog. b) the developement of different forms as a result of adaptation to different functions. c) the change of form constantly going on in living cells and tissues. 4. in medicine, a morbid change of form of tissues or parts.
- sarah 6-15-2004 12:04 pm

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