I just can't understand this issue.

Why is google less trustworthy than microsoft or yahoo? Or digitalmediatree for that matter?

Or what about AT&T? They save every SMS message sent to or from an AT&T mobile user *forever*, and there is already a case where they have turned over this info in court. Would the author suggest not SMSing any AT&T users?

The internet, by definition, is insecure. If you want security use PGP encryption. Simple. End of problem. Otherwise people should assume that any traffic going across the internet is open to snooping. Certainly the NSA (who this article seems very worried about) can get your email traffic without google's help!

It's not that I don't think there is a potential for abuse, it's just that the potential seems exactly the same as in every other case (except for encrypted transmissions.) So why are so many people concerned about google? (and not, say, Microsoft - a convicted monopolist?)
- jim 6-21-2004 8:04 pm

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