FWIW, I'm going to try and make it. I think getting to meet Robert swayed me. We'll see if I actually motivate come 9:00 pm.
- jim 5-25-2000 6:52 pm

Too late for me tonight, but you should definitely go and network (as they used to say in the '80s). Don't be shy now... Did you get those business cards yet? How about bowling shoes?
- alex 5-25-2000 10:43 pm [add a comment]

Go, and bring back that trophy. And as you line up your sites hear the chant, dmtree,dmtree,dmtree. Punish the opposition, er, I mean, have a good time, meet some nice new people.
- jimlouis 5-26-2000 2:28 am [add a comment]

you should have business cards designed as leaves. im sure mr arbor day could find something suitable for our nyc environs. im tempted to join you on your sojourn but i just took half a valium so that i could sit up straight without wincing, so i dont think a bowling alley would do much for my nerves. i think i saw an ad for bowlmor on tv, no actually it was on an access hollywood segment -- fun with the stars -- that sort of thing. its said they had glow in the dark pins. now thats living!
- dave 5-26-2000 2:52 am [add a comment]

  • i think you should ditch the "on" between the name and the date. if not, why not an "at" before the time??
    - dave 5-26-2000 2:54 am [add a comment]

    • O.K. I meant to fix this whole line, but then never got around to it and then forgot. I was going to convert the 24 hour to 12 hour time and chop off those seconds, but like so many other things... well, you know. But if someone mentions something and it doesn't involve some major rewrite, I'll definitely do it.
      - jim 5-26-2000 3:47 am [add a comment]

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