a modern day version of "Goin' Down the Road"? This one is a true story, just happened yesterday: a guy in New Brunswick packs his car with a 22-calibre bolt-action rifle with scope, a .30-calibre hunting rifle with scope and a pump-action 12 gauge shotgun, drives all the way to Toronto with intent to go on a shooting rampage, unpacks his arsenal in the park and is about to start killing when a nice dog comes up to him. He loves dogs. Decides not to kill a bunch of Torontonians after all and turns himself in to the cops.

- sally mckay 6-25-2004 5:11 pm

i think it was the Abba. he was reaching for The Doors to hear "The End" but popped in "Take a Chance on Me" by mistake. it might lead some to commit mass murder but i think it saved the day here.
- dave 6-25-2004 6:41 pm [add a comment]

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