after seeing a charlie kauffman film recently I had a dream about a pre-history theme park in which all plants and animals were genetically crafted to represent species from the past. there was a proto-human in a cage, who was ernestly and dutifully socializing with the visitors. We shook hands and he asked me, in a sort of mumbling moaning voice, my name. His name was Tim. As we talked (sort of) I realised that the cage didn't have bars, the guy was sitting in there by choice, fulfilling his role.
- sally mckay 7-23-2004 8:45 pm

Yo Sally...that was no dream, dude; I believe yer blogging has undergone some dimensional shift...did you notice any signs of discharge? But don't be deceived Sally, the bars are there.
- Hardly a (guest) 7-23-2004 11:25 pm [add a comment]

  • Israel--no one belongs here more than you.
    - strangely disturbing (guest) 7-27-2004 1:27 am [add a comment] [edit]

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