doug nixxed the 10th idea--NCC is posponed till fall location/dates to be determined--any ideas
- Skinny 5-31-2000 1:36 pm

Welcome back, Wheel. You should post some of your adventures; the force-feeding story was hilarious.
Too bad about schedules, but that seems to be the way of it, lately. You inhale; you exhale. Sometimes things spread apart; sometimes they come together. We'll get it together yet. Breathe deeply.
- alex 5-31-2000 5:54 pm [add a comment]

  • Yeah, that taco story was hilarious.
    - jim 5-31-2000 8:17 pm [add a comment]

    • is it me or are alot of the comments thin and elongated for a reason?
      - dave 5-31-2000 8:53 pm [add a comment]

      • Probably an IE/Windows issue. Looks O.K. to me. Not sure exactly what you mean, but I made a few minor changes that don't seem to effect anything from my view, but may help yours. When I move to the new office I'll have both platforms so these issues should be minimized. Until then it is difficult to solve.
        - jim 5-31-2000 10:11 pm [add a comment]

        • If you mean that the text columns are very narrow, I find that effect to be exaggerated on the windows/netscape setup. I get a wider block of text (which I prefer) on the mac, with an older netscape. This is the case with my page, as well as the comments.
          - alex 5-31-2000 10:25 pm [add a comment]

          • Is it me or are the lines written here oblique and elliptical ? schmock schmock !!
            - bill 5-31-2000 11:00 pm [add a comment]

  • like when i had to bribe the havana police for my release??
    - Skinny 5-31-2000 11:17 pm [add a comment]

  • i will post the same note but add to it for others in the open space:>)
    - Skinny 6-01-2000 1:52 am [add a comment]

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