What the fuck happened...Kerry was winning or something looking like winning & I give my kid a bath & read him Raven Steals the Sun & pass out for few minutes, wake up, turn on the tube& there's fucking Smirky Wapture smirking already & thyey're saying it looks like...FUCK. I think I'm getting sick...do I unplug the modem now,are they coming to pick me up tommorrow & take me to the tents in Utah. Fucking vomit...say it's not so Jimmy Fingers, tell me you & Mrs Fingers are turning the evil tide as we speak. Must I comfort myself with the fact that it looks like Montana gotta a dem gubner.
Smoke em if you got em, people. The sun is on fire.

- Frank 11-03-2004 8:44 am

The possibility that the election was fair disturbs me even more than the probability it was fixed.

- Bin Laden In China (guest) 11-04-2004 3:10 am [add a comment]

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