Posted by MSR in digby thread:

If this were a democratic administration , the Republicans would, at this point in the story, be regularly stating, as a simple matter of fact, that George W. Bush brings male prostitutes into the White House and uses them for various purposes. This would be a standard comment on radio and TV. The use of the plural, prostitutes, is important. Whacking one mole can be done, getting two at once is hard. If GWBs defenders wanted to argue that it was only one male prostitute, we could concede that point and everyone agree that GWB has brought a male prostitute into the White House for various purposes. If they wish to argue that GWB has never done anything of the kind, we argue the Gannon case and the public is left with the impression that there are multiple cases.

We argue that it is absurd to suggest that even this administration is so incompetent that they did not know that Gannon was a male prostitute. The clearly brought in a male prostitute.
We do NOT say that they brought him in "in spite of" being a male prostitute. We concede nothing in terms of the reasons GWB had for brining a male prostitute into the White House. We leave it to our opponents to argue why GWB wanted a male prostitute to work with him in the White House.

We do not make any claims what GWB does with the male prostitutes that he brings into the White House. If our opponents want to discuss publicly all the reasons GWB has for making use of a male prostitute, they are free to do so.

We are not making any charges or accusations. We do not know of any illegal activity, and we have made it clear in the past that we don't think this would warrant impeachment. We just feel it is sordid that GWB wants to have male prostitutes to work with him in the White House.

I could extend this further but I think the idea is clear. Leave it to our opponents to clear this up, but get the meme GWB and male prostitutes out there.

- steve 2-18-2005 2:27 pm

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