i didn't realize that calicos were like tortoiseshells in their femaleness. we've got a tortie already, isn't it usually difficult to have two females living together? alex, you can probably see her hanging out in the tree, which is where she seems to be when she's not on the deck. guess i'll be needing a new name. it's going to rain pretty hard tonight, i wonder where she'll go.
- linda 4-08-2005 6:20 am

According to a vet I know, house cats and all felines save lions are solitary creatures and like to live alone. That is without other cats. Dogs and humans are ok. Lions are the only cats that live as adults in groups (prides)
- steve 4-08-2005 1:35 pm [add a comment]

  • remember steve dibe's Catty? She was so vicious when I brought Travis to live with her. Fur was flying and I had to give Travis to Grandpa Reed. Then he got bad case of fleas and subsequently so did Granspa, who then begged mom from his hospital bed to get Travis out of his house. That's why he ended up with Mom and Dad until his sad death from poison.
    - anonymous (guest) 4-08-2005 11:39 pm [add a comment] [edit]

  • Catty was a tough customer, and retained the old quality of the neighborhood, before gentrification. When I lived there she gave my Kitty a hard time; they worked out a sort of truce, but Kitty was never allowed downstairs. Catty was a bit decrepit, and as you say literally flea-bitten, but there was something indomitable about her, and it amazed me that she lived as long as she did. Even at her worst she was not as violent as a certain Rex...
    - alex 4-09-2005 12:32 am [add a comment]

    • I remember you had catfood sculptures on top of the refridgerator, which itself was an artpiece, filled with items molded beyond recognition. But you guys were artists/bachelors living like oscar madison (pre-felix).
      Remember all the alley cats that lived in the back? that is where Travis got his fleas because he used to go outside and play with them.
      Catty was pretty cool though, just as you describe her.
      - anonymous (guest) 4-09-2005 12:48 am [add a comment] [edit]

    • Yeah, she had a zen-like stoicism; she'd sit for hours staring at the wall, but was lovable in her gruff way. The apartment was even worse before I moved in; I remember visiting once when we were in school, and there was a big cardboard and saran-wrap sluice going from the sink into the bathtub. As for the refrigerator, I don't recall ever actually looking in it, but anyway, I want to assure my new landlords that I have reformed (although that's what you might say about the fridge contents: first they were in one form, then they reformed into something else...)
      - alex 4-09-2005 1:29 am [add a comment]

    • I remember Catty sitting for hours on end, her face not half an inch from that violently hissing radiator.
      Also the Brunsonia's other alfa-female, Ramona, fur on end, teeth and claws bared at the mere sight of Steve, She once called the cops on us for watching some super-8 movies. Steve's stories of her are so vivid I could swear I was there the night she threw a brick through his window when he had some guests over, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't.
      - steve 4-09-2005 3:26 am [add a comment]

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