i thought no dodged the bullet. they didnt. it looks extremely bad down there w/ 80% of the city underwater. up to 20' deep. they are working with fema trying to evacuate and locate people that didnt leave prior to the storm. people still on roofs. people stranded in shelters. they are bringing resqued people to the superdome. no water, electricity, food. water now rising due to damaged levees and lapping knee high at the superdome. hope jim l checks in w/ good news from his peeps.
- bill 8-31-2005 3:10 am

12,000 to 15,000 in superdome with water rising. no plumbing. its also a special care center for people with medical needs. people stranded on elevated interstates walking toward superdome. 4,000 national gardsmen on hand per govonor. 3,500 national guards troops due tomorrow per mayor nagin..both looked very worried and spoke of problems with the levee.
- bill 8-31-2005 7:08 am [add a comment]

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